How should you choose a carpet?


Finding the right carpet for a room is often not that easy! Depending on the design, color and structure, the entire room ambience is influenced individually. Carpets are art for the floor and they have the ability to really highlight an entire room.

You should ask yourself the following questions to find the right size rug:
  • How big is the room?
  • How and where is the furniture placed?
  • What purpose does the room serve?
People tend to choose the carpet size by eye. This often means that carpets that are too small or too large are selected.
Carpets that are too small lose their effectiveness and are almost invisible in the room. Carpets that are too large make the room feel smaller and harmony is lost.
The most important thing when choosing the size of the rug is that the proportions are right and what layout you want. Measure the room beforehand. Get an idea of ​​what the room should ideally look like. Where should the furniture be? What is the coloring like?
Create a living island with your cork carpet!
So how do you choose the right carpet for a room?
In the living room you can use your couch as a benchmark. Simply measure the length of your couch and add about 30cm left and right. A basic rule of thumb is that a carpet should be about 60cm shorter than the shortest wall in the room.
dining room
When choosing a rug for the dining table, there are often bad purchases. You should always remember that all chairs should fit on the carpet. Otherwise the room image might not appear harmonious. Here you can use the following calculation for the appropriate carpet size.
Add 70cm to each side of the dining table. As a small side note: please consider whether you have a dining table that can possibly be extended.
The first steps out of bed in the morning should be pleasant, soft and warm. It's a good idea to lay out a cork carpet. But here too, choosing the right size is important. There are different ways to place the cork carpet in the bedroom. There are different ways to lay a carpet in the bedroom.
  • Variant 1 Lay a large carpet under the bed. The size of the bed should be taken into account here. Simply add approx. 40 - 50cm to the bed width and length.
  • Variant 2 Lay a bed border around the bed. Here you should add about 60cm left and right to the bed width at the foot end. The dimensions for the two side runners should be 60x100cm or 60x140cm, depending on how much space you want to have laid on the left and right of your bed.
You should create a symmetrical frame in your bedroom.
Carpet for the hallway
Carpet runners are often selected in the wrong size. However, you can follow the following rule of thumb: just keep a distance of approx. 20cm from the wall.